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  全球车轮网(www.86wheel.com) 与时俱进、服务至上,以新颖的思想为指导,深刻、全面分析车轮行业技术与市场的发展,关注全球车轮产业风云,带领中国车轮企业发展;在生产厂家、商家与市场流通之间架起信息沟通的桥梁;协助中国车轮企业实施名牌战略,帮助中国车轮企业了解行情,研发新品、促销产品,把握商机,开拓市场;为中国车轮产、供、销企业提供经济快捷、准确、丰富的车轮专业信息服务及电子商务服务。截止到目前,网站日均访问量达上万余人次。每天都有新客户通过我们的网站寻找到可信赖的合作伙伴和贸易伙伴,成为国内外企业贸易往来的优秀车轮平台。中国车轮网在发展网络平台的同时,网下还进行工艺技术服务、专用设备研发以及专业人才推荐,这是其它网站无与伦比的特色服务。
       全球车轮网(www.86wheel.com)禀承“持续解读车轮行业需求,不断提升自身服务价值” 的服务宗旨,将不断创新进取提升中国车轮企业核心的竞争力、不断整合自身及行业资源、不断突破观念完善策略,为打造一流的中国车轮行业门户而努力。 
      China wheel network ( www.86wheel.com  ) is a focus on the wheel field corporate image promotion and e-commerce services as one of the industry portal. The management team has engaged in R & D, production, sales, wheels for several decades experienced more than engineers, and has many years of enterprise B2B e-commerce experience of the professionals, is currently China 's largest network of media industry of wheel.
      China wheel network (www.86wheel.com  ) temporarily located 7 service module, to innovative thought is guidance, profound, comprehensive analysis of wheel industry technical and market development, pay attention to the global wheel industry situation, leading the Chinese enterprises in the development of wheel; manufacturers, businessmen and market circulation set up the bridge of information communication; to assist the Chinese company of wheel the implementation of brand strategy, to help Chinese enterprises to understand the market wheels, promotional products, grasp the opportunities, develop the market for China; wheel production, supply, sell business to provide economic and quick, accurate, rich wheel professional information services and e-commerce services. Up to now, website daily average visit quantity of thousand more than person-time. Every day a new customers through our website to find reliable partners and trading partners, to become the domestic and foreign trade enterprises of the outstanding wheel platform. China wheel network in the development of the network platform at the same time, net also performed technology services, equipment research and development and professional recommendation, which is incomparable to other sites of special services.
      China wheel network (www.86wheel.com  ) Bingcheng" continuing interpret customer needs, and constantly improve service value" as a principle of service, will be constant innovation to forge ahead to enhance China's enterprises core competitiveness, the wheel continuously integrate their own resources and industry, the breakthrough ideas and perfecting the strategy, in order to build a first-class Chinese wheel industry portal and efforts.

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